Monday, April 13, 2009

there are certain people you just keep comming back to

ZOO TODAY!! it was pretty exciting, except that most of the animals were mia..kthanks. and the gift shop was very depressing. i'm going to go again though when it gets nicer outside, today was pretty grey and rainy.

my easter was good, except that i got homesick for the first time in a long time. i think it's just because it was easter, and i wanted to be home-especially in newfoundland-so i could go to nans house for supper..instead chantal and i went out for indian food. we went to church friday, saturday, and sunday night. saturday was all about darwin's theory and science vs. christianity stuff, and sunday on there was a guy who was a lawyer talking about if jesus actually rose from the dead (it was kind of like reading a chapter from "case for christ") it was really good, and chantal and i made a bunch of friends from northern ireland. and now we're sad, because they've gone back home :(

Still no job! i went for my trial shift, but when i went in for it, the guy working had no clue what i was talking about, so i don't know what all that was about..i have a job interview on wednesday for lush though, so fingers crossed! tomorrow i'm going to hand out cv's(resumees)again all day. i've noticed that more people are hireing now, and actually accepting cv's again, which is nice.

i've had a really bad cough for the past month, and it's driving me crazy, because it isn't going away! i bought medicine yesterday, but i'm a wimp, and i haven't taken it yet. i know it'll taste really bad. i'm such a child!

i can't believe i've been here for almost two months! time really flys. i think i could get used to this-moving away to a new country and starting over. i have a feeling that canada is not going to be the country i spend most of my life in. i need to see more of the world-and not just europe! i need to see india too, i feel. i think that'll maybe be the next place i plan. moving to amazing would that be? but who knows what'll happen..who know what God has planned for me? whatever it is, i'm really excited for it!

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