Friday, April 17, 2009

i don't wanna work, i just wanna bang on my drum all day..

..well, that's too bad though, because i'll be working anyway!!
thats right folks, i am currently employed..finally! i don't start untill wednesday though, so hopefully i'll gather up enough money so i can survive for a few more weeks (i won't get my first paycheck for at least two weeks) but i'm still super excited! the place i'll be working for is called eddie rockets, and it's this cute, old fashoned-looking diner.

so, here's a funny story, i currently have no keys to get into my flat. i was throwing them down outside to chantal so she could come up (otherwise i'd have to run down and then up five flights of stairs) and they got stuck in a balcony outside the window of the flat under mine. no problem, right? i could just go knock on their door, and explain what happened. the thing is though, that that flat is newley un-occupied, so right now i'm kind of screwed. the landlord has a key, but he's really scary, and one of my flatmates called him for me to come unlock the door so i could get my keys back, but he never showed up. he's going to stop by on tuesday anyway to collect my rent, so i'm thinking i'll just wait it out untill then. ughhh.

so i have a job, but no keys. well, i'm half-way there.

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