Wednesday, April 29, 2009

no matter how far i go, my heart remains with you.

okay, i clearly fail at writing in my blog. it's nothing personal though-seriously. i try writing in journals/diary's all the time. i'm good for a week, and after that it's an epic fail. regardless, i push forwards..

topic one: work
let's talk about eddie rockets, shall we? first of all, i was hired with my anti-eyebrow piercing, they appeared to have no problem with it. i meet with one of the managers to talk about my hours, how much i'll get paid, ect, my piercing was no problem. first day at work, i get my uniform (ps;i have a bow-tie?) i go to get changed.. "oh, by the way, you'll need to take our your piercing."'re kidding me, right?
so i've had my piercing for just over a month..obviously if i try to take it out, i'm not going to get it back in, or it's going to get infected, or something! i tried to take it out, but the ball was screwed on too tight, so i left it in for that shift. i went to the piercing place the next day, and he loosened it for me-so the plan for right now is to take it out during my shift and put it back in after. the piercing guy told me it should be fine, just to make sure my hands are always clean and if it does start to get infected i can take it out and he'll re-pierce it for me when i'm done working for eddie rockets.
other then that whole situation, i'm starting to feel a bit more comfortable at my job. i hated it for the first few shifts, because the managers aren't nice at all, but today was a bit better (i actually made one of them laugh! i should get a gold star.) saturday and sunday are supposed to be really, really busy, so hopefully i don't do anything to screw up too bad! i love the music though. it's all like 50's-70's music. it makes me really happy that i get to work while the beatles are playing instead of lady gaga (poker fase is permanently stuck in my head, btw).

topic two:weather
okay, so i went to ireland prepared for rain. lots and lots of rain. i figured i'd learn how to swim while i was here (shut up, don't laugh!) because otherwise i'd have no way to get from my flat to the grocery store. however, the weather's been quite beautiful since i arrived. everyone's been talking about how it's the nicest weather in dublin for the past few years. for some reason though, the past few weeks the grey sky's have been visiting way more than the sunshine, and i'm not really very pleased. today i went to the post office and back to my flat, and the bottoms of my pants were soaking wet :( fingers crossed, the weather starts to get better, and stays that way!

topic three:mail
thank you so much, nanny and ryan lazzaro for the kraft dinner. i know you were all so worried about how i was going to survive, but you can sleep easy now. i'm pretty sure i'm good for the rest of my trip :) i'm doing this new eating healthy thing, but on the weekends i've decided to just eat whatever (my fantastic roommate greta does this all the time. it's like a fun diet!) so i really can't wait untill the weekend to have some kraft dinner! chantal's going to come over, and i told greta about it, so she wants some too :) also, nan put some syrup in my package, so waffels this weekend!! yayyy!

umm..i don't think there's really much else to talk about. i have paint my nails again, i think i'll do that tonight. then greta and i will have another girl talk most likely. i feel like i have a big sister! i never, ever want her to go back to italy, but i only have maybe a month left with her :(
my heart shatters into a million pieces

Friday, April 17, 2009

i don't wanna work, i just wanna bang on my drum all day..

..well, that's too bad though, because i'll be working anyway!!
thats right folks, i am currently employed..finally! i don't start untill wednesday though, so hopefully i'll gather up enough money so i can survive for a few more weeks (i won't get my first paycheck for at least two weeks) but i'm still super excited! the place i'll be working for is called eddie rockets, and it's this cute, old fashoned-looking diner.

so, here's a funny story, i currently have no keys to get into my flat. i was throwing them down outside to chantal so she could come up (otherwise i'd have to run down and then up five flights of stairs) and they got stuck in a balcony outside the window of the flat under mine. no problem, right? i could just go knock on their door, and explain what happened. the thing is though, that that flat is newley un-occupied, so right now i'm kind of screwed. the landlord has a key, but he's really scary, and one of my flatmates called him for me to come unlock the door so i could get my keys back, but he never showed up. he's going to stop by on tuesday anyway to collect my rent, so i'm thinking i'll just wait it out untill then. ughhh.

so i have a job, but no keys. well, i'm half-way there.

Monday, April 13, 2009

there are certain people you just keep comming back to

ZOO TODAY!! it was pretty exciting, except that most of the animals were mia..kthanks. and the gift shop was very depressing. i'm going to go again though when it gets nicer outside, today was pretty grey and rainy.

my easter was good, except that i got homesick for the first time in a long time. i think it's just because it was easter, and i wanted to be home-especially in newfoundland-so i could go to nans house for supper..instead chantal and i went out for indian food. we went to church friday, saturday, and sunday night. saturday was all about darwin's theory and science vs. christianity stuff, and sunday on there was a guy who was a lawyer talking about if jesus actually rose from the dead (it was kind of like reading a chapter from "case for christ") it was really good, and chantal and i made a bunch of friends from northern ireland. and now we're sad, because they've gone back home :(

Still no job! i went for my trial shift, but when i went in for it, the guy working had no clue what i was talking about, so i don't know what all that was about..i have a job interview on wednesday for lush though, so fingers crossed! tomorrow i'm going to hand out cv's(resumees)again all day. i've noticed that more people are hireing now, and actually accepting cv's again, which is nice.

i've had a really bad cough for the past month, and it's driving me crazy, because it isn't going away! i bought medicine yesterday, but i'm a wimp, and i haven't taken it yet. i know it'll taste really bad. i'm such a child!

i can't believe i've been here for almost two months! time really flys. i think i could get used to this-moving away to a new country and starting over. i have a feeling that canada is not going to be the country i spend most of my life in. i need to see more of the world-and not just europe! i need to see india too, i feel. i think that'll maybe be the next place i plan. moving to amazing would that be? but who knows what'll happen..who know what God has planned for me? whatever it is, i'm really excited for it!

Monday, April 6, 2009

you know where to find me, anytime you want me.

wtf? what's with the irish saying that they'll call you, when they're clearly not going to. So, it's monday now, and i plan to spend everyday this week handing out cv's. it's going to be pretty intense. I'll have a job by friday, for sure. Yesterday, chantal and i attempted to see more of the hugh lane gallery. During the usual sunday hour spent there, we finally finished a whole floor, and got to see francis bacon's work. it was actually really interesting! his studio was such a mess though, i've never seen anything like it in my life!
update: just got a phone call from a resturant, and i have a trial shift tomorrow at 11:00. pretty exciting!
even more exciting though; there's an american appereal opening here in dublin! all the scene kids are going to have a heart attack and die, that's for sure. i'm super excited though! the one thing that sucks is that all the kids are going to be buying the matalic headbands and wearing them around their head like i do..oh well.
maybe going for another run today. last night killed me though, i suppose that's what happens when i take three days off.
my heart breaks in a million pieces, knowing that i'm not going to see jacks mannequin again this time. oh andrew, i'll miss you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The weather is changing and breaking my stride.

there's finally sunshine in dublin! i hope it stays like this forever. i've been running the past two days in the evening through phoenix park. it's either the biggest or one of the biggest parks in all of europe. (there's a zoo with a tim hortans in it!) but i'm not going to be able to run again this evening, because my body is furious with me now. my lower spine hurts so much, and my legs are aching. i'm kind of sad though, because tonight would be another nice night to run.
i had another interview yesterday, it was for a trendy little resturant called soho. i decided to keep applying to other places, because the other job still hasn't called me. i'm really starting to get frusturated. i want to be working! i hate sitting around doing nothing..well, it's not like i'm doing nothing, but i just hate not working. i found the cutest little dress yesterday in a random shop, and i want to buy it so bad! i need paycheques!
tomorrow i'm making french toast or pancakes for chantal and i. i'm not too excited though, because none of the pans at my flat are non-stick, and if you know me, you know i can't cook on any other type of pan :( it's going to be quite an experience, needless to say. there's an invisible children protest-type thing in dublin in a few weeks, and i'm really looking forward to it! my flatmate javi is really involved with ngo's in spain, where he's from, so he's found a bunch of things going on here too.
also, chantal and i are planning on going to scotland for the weekend sometime this month. that'll be good, but what i'm really excited for is our trip to ibeza! i love europe, and how easy it is to go places. sometimes i really don't want to have to go back to canada...stupid school. i can't believe it's april already though. seriously, where has the time gone? so, some frusturating news; the last two mornings i've woken up, there's been dried blood around my piercing. i went into the piercing shop yesterday where i got it done, and the guy said it's normal for that to happen, but i'm still not too pleased. he also said it's going to cost me €65 for the back of my that's going to have to wait for a while longer yet. i've been listening to alot of tegan and sara lately, it's been making me really happy.