Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i need your love

wow! i'm so rotted. i almost finished writing my blog about the past week, and my new friend alex (we met on the train to budapest) and i decided that we wanted to get something to eat before we wasted away to nothing. so i put my computer on the "sleep" mode, but yet it somehow manages to overheat anyway, and i loose everything. so, you're about to read the shortened short version of my lifes events as of late;

the day after i arrived in austria, toni had a job interview in another part of austria, so the fastest way to get there was to drive through germany. therefore in one day, i was in austria, germany, austria, germany, and finally, back in austira for a night of good food, and good wine :)

the following day, we went to a water park where i worked on my tan, and after a few hours we went for a lovely drive through the mountains to go see a "doctor" that teresa wanted to see. after that, another great meal, three epesodes of Hereos, and more wine.

on thursday we went to this beautiful lake up in the mountains, but i had to stay in the shade, because we didn't have sun lotion
friday i took the train to vienna where teresa's good friend bernie was waiting for me at the station. he helped me with my bags and we went back to his house. it's a lovely home in the middle of this turkesh neighbourbood, where the internet cafe also sells flowers. i think if i moved to vienna, i'd want to live in his flat..well, not with him of course, because it's a bit small. also, the shower was in the kitchen, and it would get a bit anoying all the time avoiding the kitchen (which is in the middle of everything) whenever someone wanted to get clean..but the point is, it's such an interesting flat, and i'd love to live in one very similar one day <3 after we got back to his, i franticly regesterd for my classes, because i was unable to do so on the train, and we got ready to go to an african festival where his friend was playing in the band. it was the nicest thing ever! a bit out of town, but there was a ferris-wheel across the street that bernie and i decided to take a ride on. on the way home, i sat on the back of bernie's bike, and he showed me around all the sights, and it was beautiful! everything was lit up, and the buildings were massive!

the next day i went out for a bit to take some pictures, and play tourest. i went to the treasurey, and i saw some pieces of wood that was said to be on the cross that Jesus was crusified on. also, there was the nail that was believed to have been driven into His right wrist. it was the most overwhelming thing! i had no idea that i'd see anything like that there, but aparently it was handed down through royal families, and given as gifts to other royal famlies, ect (of course, the rich people have been keeping such things..) i met up with bernie shortly after at a bar and i drank this beer thing called ridler or something..it was half beer and half lemonade (more or less..) and it was so good! i think i'll make it when i get back to vancouver, hopefully it'll taste as good. we met up with teresa then, and went to see the same friend play in a bar that we saw the night before. toni came by for a bit on his way back to his home, so it was nice to see him again too :)

sunday i had the whole day to myself, because bernie was working on his thesis, going to work, and then going to see his family who'd just gotten back from vacation. i went to the train station first, to figure out where i'd be traveling to the following day (budapest it is) and then started walking around, taking random pictures, and meeting a group of guys who were trying to talk me into going to a clasical music concert. the failed, but i made friends with them, and this one guy gave me his number and said he wanted to take me for free when i got back into vienna to collect my bags to go back to munich/vancouver..so, we'll see if that actually happens or not. after hours and hours of walking and taking pictures i decided to call it a day, and head back to bernies. after he came home, he put this program on my computer to get rid of all the random shit i didn't need so it would be faster (because, if anyone's ever tried to use my computer before, you know that while you're waiting for a page to load, you could nap, shower, rob a bank, buy a new car, go on a road trip, come back, eat lunch, and you'd be almost ready to see what someone wrote on your facebook wall..) then went to bed.

yesterday i got on my train..twice. the first time i got kicked off, along with about a hundred other people, because the train was so full. there's a festavel going on here for the next five days or so, and everyone decided to leave on the same day and time that i wanted to leave. so i went to the waiting room and took a nap for an hour and a half, then made my way to the next train that was leaving. it took me a little while to walk through the train to find seats that wern't reserved already, but finally i found a compartment that had one free seat. the other five that reserved the rest of the compartment arrived a few minutes before the train left,and honistly, i wish they'd been late. they were all between the ages of fifteen and seventeen, and were the most inconsiderate, loud, obnoxious group of german children i've ever encountered in my life. the moment the train arrived in budapest and they left the train was one of the most releaving moments in a long time. however, something good did come from my train ride from hell. i met a really nice austrialian girl named alex. we found a hostel together and today we spent the day in search of food, and the pretty part of budapest. yesterday was so frusturating, because we kept getting lost, and i'm just getting used to backpacking again, so my bag felt so heavy, and nothing we were seeing was pretty, and everyone was so rude, and, and, and..complaints, complaints, complaints! pfft, i need to just shut up and enjoy everything! :)

so, yesterday was frusturating, but today was good. we got up early to go on this free walking tour, but we couldn't find the spot, so we went to mcdonalds, and it started to rain, so we went back to our hostel. we decided to go out once the weather chilled out, and we discovered the most beautiful things! we went to where the chain bridge was, and walked to the other side (the pest side) and found an amazing view where we took pictures and talked about boys. tomorrow we're going to try to do the walking tour again, and go see the spa's. she's leaving for prague in the evening, and i need to figure out what i'm doing and where i'm going next. there's a few things i'm considering, but i'll just go to the train station tomorrow i think and ask where the cheapest places i can go are. i sware, i'll actually write more. it took me so long to write about the past week, it'll be so much easier if i write every few days.

lovelovelove <3

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