Wednesday, June 17, 2009

there's still a little bit of your words i long to hear.

so i promise i've tried to write in my blog more. a few weeks ago i wrote a massive entry, and then my computer over-heated and shut off. i waited about five minutes while i observed the two knacker-girls fighting outside on my street, and then i started again, and wrote an even longer blog..hey? guess what computer shut off again. so i got super frusturated and just called it a night and went to bed..

so, here's the update, since my last blog:
it's been my birthday! wohoo..19...!? it really doesn't count for anything here, except that now when i go out i feel a bit less like a child, because it's been one year that i've been legal here..that feeling will vanash as soon as i land back in vancouver, so i'll enjoy it while i can.
my birthday was on a saturday, and that night i had to work (until 5:30am) so i went out on friday night. it was so much fun! i met up with a girl from italy that used to hang out with all the spanish people, who had left dublin a while ago. she came back just to get some of her stuff, and we went to a discotech where a friend of her friends was djing. it was amazing!! we got on the guest list, so we didn't have to pay or wait in the massive line, and there were so many people there.
i went to my friends work the next day, and he bought me a cake, because i was feeling a little homesick. and greta bought me a cupcake and left it next to my bed (i ate so much junk food that day, haha)
work was shit, because i had to work with a really rude french girl, and she almost made me cry (i get to work with her again tonight..ugh) but it was okay, because the other guy i was closing with and i played songs on the jukeboxes all night, and the doormen cheered me up :)

yesterday was rent-day, and usually i hate those days, but it was so much fun! i was off, so i ran a few errands, then met up with my friend rory and a girl who works with him in temple bar. she wanted to go for a drink before she started work, so we went to a place called the morgan for drinks. she went off to work, and rory and i went to a pub next door where these three cute old men were playing old jazz songs (and drank some more). another of rory's friends met up with us there, and we hung out for a bit. rory and i went back to my flat after, because rent had to be paid, and we had to talk to the landlord about the deposit, and not finding people to move into the flat, and lowering the rent, ect. the landlord told us that he'd give us back the deposit, and to not find someone else to move in, because three of us wouldn't be here next month, so when we leave he's going to do-up the flat and the remaning guy who lives here would move back in with three other people when it's all done. sooo..amazing news! because i was stressing about finding someone to move in when i leave, and now i don't even have to worry about it-i'll get my deposit back anyway! :) i met up with two other friends later last night at a club i'm now in love with! they play all indie-electro music, and drinks are really cheep, and it's really the most amazing place. i went last tuesday with them too, and the owner got us in for free because they work for him, and last night they put me on the guest list, so i didn't have to pay again :) mmm..tuesdays <3

i really, really don't want to leave dublin! i'm so happy here :) i'm so back and forth day i want to start traveling, the next day i just want to stay here forever. if it wasn't for the fact that everyone's always leaving, it would be nearly impossible to get me to go back to canada. but i feel that when i leave, i'm not going to come back..i don't think i'll be able to. i'll get too sad, because there will be too many memories. i've had such an amazing time here, and i don't regret anything! i'm always going to remember the friends i made, and i'm excited to keep in touch with them, and see them again some day. i'm also happy that i've seen the true side of some people i've met, and i've distanced myself from them. the exciting thing though is that i'm only half-way done my trip..part one is going to end in a few weeks, but part two is going to open my eyes to even more amazing things.

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