Sunday, June 21, 2009

after all this time, who'd have thought i'd meet you here?

so, some exciting news: tomorrow i'm going to call about changing my flight.
seriously, if it wasn't for having to go back to canada for school, i'd stay here until my visa finishes in feb, haha. but i guess i'll just have to settle for a few extra weeks. i want to stay in dublin for longer, and i want to travel for longer. fingers crossed it isn't going to cost me loads of euros..i also want to fly out of dublin instead of munich, so hopefully that works out too!

umm..even more exciting..?
i'm not even kidding.
i was at work on friday night (untill five in the morning, woop! ..ugh) and a group of people came in to eat, and asked me if i wanted britney spears tickets. i didn't think they were being serious, so i was like, ", it's okay" and then i was downstairs on my break eating, and i heard someone scream. i didn't think too much of it, because the joy of working at a place like eddie rockets is that we always get drunk girls screaming over everything.
Q: a friend walks in the door. what does a drunk girl do?
A: scream

Q: a song they haven't heard in a while plays in the restaurant, what does a drunk girl do?
A: scream

Q: someone at the table tries drunk girls strawberry malt, what does the drunk girl do?
A: scream

as you can see, there could have been many reasons why this girl was screaming at the top of her lungs at 2:00 in the morning. however, when i went upstairs, i discovered that it was not one of these, or any other common reason, it was because she was now the owner of four tickets to see miss britney spears. so i started thinking to myself, "jessica, why didn't you just take the tickets, but oh well, no matter, it's not the end of the world, not even close.." but still, i found myself imagining being at the show, in the same building as the former(?) queen/princess of pop (what do we call her now-a-days? ..besides a mess of course..) but low and behold, as one of my other tables were leaving, the girl turned around and walked back towards me and asked me if i wanted some tickets to see britney spears. i was so confused, and i asked her how everyone had all these tickets to give away (the starting price was €80 that they were being sold for..) and she said it's because they were all in the show. now, i like to think that i won't make the same mistake twice (history proves otherwise..) but i told her "yes please!" and i gratefully accepted the three tickets. the concert was great, even though she only actually sang one song for real. i've never been to a concert where people were lip-syncing (unless alexisonfire, underoath, from first to last, among others were just very good at it..) but i thought it would be a bit more believable.. i seriously could have been listening to her was crazy. that's not to say it wasn't entertaining though. the whole thing was set up like a circus, and the people in the show were soo amazing!

i hate my job today! it's so weird going into a place that i work and not have everyone say hi as you walk through. and no one talks while they work!! we can go two hours without saying a word to someone else. during my shift today, that really bothered me for some reason. some people i work with aren't like that, but there's only about working with those three is always a treat, but otherwise it's hell. ..haha, sometimes i have to laugh about it though, they're all way too serious about everything. but i really can't wait to go back to sterling shoes <3 it's really my favorite job everr! i love the people, and i love the shoes, and i love the actual job itself! gah, thinking about going back to work is making me not want to change my flight, and just go back and work. this is how my mind's been lately..i'm always changing it. just from the start of the blog to here i'm reconsidering..haha. i think it's the lifestyle here. i'm going to be so thrown off when i go back to my "real life" and i have real responsibilities..i mean, here i have to pay rent, buy my own food, figure everything out myself, but when i go back to vancouver..i'll have school! ughh..well, and rent too still..but i'd rather just be here. (look, i changed my mind again..and this is why i don't write in my blog's such a mess, because i write what i think, as i think it, and clearly my heads a mess right now..

anyway, i'll have to write again in the next few days to offer an update on my return flight. i have saturday and sunday off work this weekend, so depending on when i work on monday, i think i'm going to go explore somewhere :)

peace and love, friends. <3

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