Monday, March 30, 2009

where are my headphones?

So my first day at my new job went well, but now i'm frusturated, because he said he would call me over the weekend, but he didn't. i went in to talk to him this morning, and he said he'd call me later on in the week, to let me know when i work. irish people are so bad with things like that. On saturday night, chantal, her roommate astrid, and i went to a pub-club thing, and on our way back to her house when it closed, chantal decided to get naan bread at this indian resturant. so it's like, three in the morning, and we walk in, and it's super fancy, and there's actually people there! and not drunk teenagers, but adults, dressed really nice. i don't even understand..
Last night, chantal and i watched Paranoid Park. It was really good, but i fell asleep a few times, and the ending was kind of weird. It's about this kid who accidently kills a security guard. The directing was amazing though!
Okay, so here's my new address:

flat 7, 24 lower dominick street,
dublin 1

please send me kraft dinner, thanks.
I still love my flat. it's so relaxed. I'm used to being at chantals, where it's crazy and full of spanish people all the time, and i come back home, and everyone's so chill. maybe it's because they're a bit older, i don't know, but i love it! I'm going to clean up my room a bit, and look for my headphones.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

i'm not kidding you.

okay, i just did 100 crunches. i'm serious. i feel like i'm going to die right now.
i know it's a bit late for me to start writing a blog about my stay here in ireland, but better late then never right? and dear family, i understand that you're worried about me, but now you can just check my blog to find out that i'm still alive and well.
day one in my new flat:
i love it! it's super close to everything. i did a little shopping trip to lidle (the ultra-cheap possibly german grocery store) and i discovered a nutella like thing, but it's even better, and cheaper! i bet it's even less healthy for you, but oh well. my flatmates are really great. greta, my roommate went to the emergency room last night though, because she was having problems with her kidneys. turns out she has a kidney infection. here's the frutsurating thing though; she left last night at 2am, didn't get back home untill 9am. there were only five other people waiting to see a doctor with her, but for some reason, the irish think it's a good idea to not have a doctor in the emergency room at night..i mean, it's not like anyone ever gets sick before 7:30am, right? so she had to wait for a lifetime and a half, and had to pay €100 to actually see a doctor, then €50 for the medication. thankfully she's part of this european system, and she's from italy, so she'll get all the money back.
today i'll go to penney's (the ultra-cheap clothing store) and buy a black top and black shoes for my new job at a cafe, which i start tomorrow. i'm pretty excited to be actually working a normal job this time. wow..hopefully my blogs of the future are more exciting than this one..did you all really need to know that i was going to penney's today? oh well. tonight will be fun because chantal (my friend from montreal, i'll be mentioning her a lot in here most likely, so get used to seeing her name) and i are going to some kind of graffiti thing at some kind of lounge, where we get drawn and spraypainted on. sounds interesting, i know, but put a bottle of chean wine in the mix, and it'll be a party and a half :)